Long-Term Effects of Alcohol: Dangers, Risks & Effects

effects of alcohol on the body

Doctors advise not drinking again within 48 hours of a heavy drinking session, to allow the body to recover. They https://ecosoberhouse.com/article/making-living-amends-during-addiction-recovery/ may have an intolerance, insensitivity, or allergy to alcohol or another ingredient in a drink. Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a chronic brain disorder that makes it difficult to control alcohol use, even when it’s causing problems.

Mental health

  • Here’s a breakdown of alcohol’s effects on your internal organs and body processes.
  • Alcohol also limits blood flow to your muscles and gets in the way of the proteins that build them up.
  • When you drink heavily for years, that extra workload and the toxic effects of alcohol can wear your kidneys down.
  • Your immune system works to keep you as healthy as possible by fighting off foreign invaders, such as viruses, bacteria, and toxins.
  • The relationship between alcohol use and quality of life highlights a critical area for public health intervention.
  • This may increase alcohol consumption and risky decisionmaking and decrease behavioral flexibility, thereby promoting and sustaining high levels of drinking.

The short-term effects of alcohol consumption are outlined below. This information is based on the assumption that you have a normal tolerance to alcohol. In addition, enforcing drink driving countermeasures and securing access to screening, brief interventions, and treatment are effective and ethically sound interventions. The most cost-effective interventions are at the focus of WHO-led SAFER initiative aimed at providing support for Member States in reducing the harmful use of alcohol. In the past, moderate drinking was thought to be linked with a lower risk of dying from heart disease and possibly diabetes. After more analysis of the research, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

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effects of alcohol on the body

Cirrhosis, on the other hand, is irreversible and can lead to liver failure and liver cancer, even if you abstain from alcohol. If alcohol continues to accumulate in your system, it can destroy cells and, eventually, damage your organs. But when you ingest too much alcohol for your liver to process in a timely effects of alcohol on the body manner, a buildup of toxic substances begins to take a toll on your liver. Your liver detoxifies and removes alcohol from your blood through a process known as oxidation. When your liver finishes that process, alcohol gets turned into water and carbon dioxide. Dr. Sengupta shares some of the not-so-obvious effects that alcohol has on your body.

Alcohol and health

  • Women typically reach this level after about four drinks and men after about five drinks in two hours.
  • It usually takes the liver about an hour to remove one unit of alcohol from the body.
  • All calls will be answered by Pinnacle Health Group, a paid advertiser.
  • This could help explain why women are more likely to have negative effects from alcohol.
  • AUD and alcohol use increase the risk of various health complications.
  • Fatty liver is a chronic condition that involves the buildup of bad fats in the liver.

Addressing alcohol consumption among university students could lead to substantial improvements in their overall well-being and health-related quality of life. It’s time to put an end to alcohol abuse, and live a strong and healthy life. Contact a treatment provider to help you find alcohol treatment programs. Alcohol causes at least seven types of cancer, including the most common cancer types, such as bowel cancer and female breast cancer.

  • Genetics or a family history of alcohol misuse increases that risk as well.
  • If enough acid and alcohol build up, you get nauseated and you may throw up.
  • Over the long term, alcohol can increase your risk of more than 200 different diseases, including in the liver and pancreas, and certain cancers.
  • Other ways to get help include talking with a mental health professional or seeking help from a support group such as Alcoholics Anonymous or a similar type of self-help group.
  • The support of friends and family is important in the journey to recovery from alcohol use disorder (AUD).

Alcohol Use and Your Health

effects of alcohol on the body

That means you have to go more often, which can leave you dehydrated. When you drink heavily for years, that extra workload and the toxic effects of alcohol can wear your kidneys down. Alcohol irritates the lining of your stomach and makes your digestive juices flow. If enough acid and alcohol build up, you get nauseated and you may throw up.


We can all experience temporary and long-term effects of alcohol, depending on our consumption. This article discusses the physiological and psychological effects of alcohol and how to change your drinking habits. Alcohol consumption contributes to 2.6 million deaths each year globally as well as to the disabilities and poor health of millions of people.

effects of alcohol on the body